Child Custody Law in Spartanburg South Carolina

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Understanding Child Custody Law in Spartanburg, South Carolina

Child custody refers to the legal and practical relationship between a parent and their child, which includes both “physical custody” and “legal custody.” At Sentinel Law Firm, we understand that child custody disputes can be challenging, and we’re here to guide you through either contested or uncontested child custody cases in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

What Does Child Custody Entail?

The resolution of a child custody case in South Carolina legally determines crucial aspects such as:

  • The child’s place of residence (physical custody)
  • Who is responsible for making parenting decisions, including medical decisions and choices on schooling (legal custody)
  • The organization of visitation schedules for non-custodial parents or relatives (including grandparents visitation rights)

Our attorneys at Sentinel Law Firm are ready to assist in handling both contested cases, which are resolved by court order, and non-contested cases, which are settled through a child custody agreement between parents.

Factors Influencing Child Custody Decisions in South Carolina

The South Carolina court system takes several factors into consideration when deciding on child custody cases. Some of these factors include:

  • Statutory factors
  • The child’s preferences (depending on age)
  • Whether shared custody is practical
  • The parents’ willingness to cooperate
  • History of domestic violence

These factors help ensure that the child’s best interests are prioritized in any custody decision. It is important to remember, however, that ultimately the court will decide based on what they think is in the child’s best interests.

Key Elements of South Carolina's Child Custody Law

After a separation or divorce in Spartanburg, South Carolina, it’s vital for parents to resolve issues of child custody as soon as possible. This agreement outlines which parent the child will live with, when and how visitation will be scheduled, and the amount of child support the non-custodial parent will provide.

In determining custody, South Carolina courts consider factors such as the child’s wishes and any history of domestic violence. A custody order may also include provisions on the following:

  • Restraining orders for either spouse or any other party, including a restraining order on making negative comments about each other in front of the child
  • Specific visitation times for either spouse. This includes holidays, birthdays, and many other major events in the child’s life.
  • Directives concerning the upkeep of the home, health insurance, and other child-related expenses
  • Prohibitions on actions that could render the home and personal environment unfit
  • Decisions on who gets legal or physical custody of the children.

Sentinel Law Firm is well-versed in all aspects of Spartanburg, South Carolina’s child custody laws, and are ready to help guide you through the process.

Our Spartanburg Family Law Practice Areas

Divorce Law

Navigating the process of divorce in South Carolina

Child Custody

Assistance in Child Custody Matters in South Carolina

Child Support

Establishing fair support for children in divorced families


Understanding Spousal Support in South Carolina

FAQs -
Child Custody in Spartanburg South Carolina

Child custody in South Carolina is determined by the court based on what is in the best interests of the child. Factors considered by the court include the temperament and developmental needs of the child, the capacity and the disposition of the parents to understand and meet the needs of the child, each child’s preferences (relative to their age), the wishes of the parents as to custody, and the past and current interaction and relationship of the child with each parent, among others.

In the state of South Carolina, judges have the power to award custody to both parents jointly or to a single parent during a custody dispute.

There isn’t a default preference for joint custody in South Carolina courts when examining child custody cases. The judge’s primary focus is on identifying the custody arrangement that would most effectively serve the child’s best interests, based on the specific circumstances of the case.

A Guardian ad Litem (also referred to as a G.A.L.) is an independent third party designated to represent the child in a child custody dispute. South Carolina laws enable the appointment of a guardian ad litem to advocate for the child’s best interests. Their role includes examining the family’s circumstances and providing the court with a recommendation on what custody arrangement would be most beneficial for the child. 

In the custody decision process in South Carolina, the child’s rational preferences are indeed factored in. The court may assess the child’s age, level of maturity, and judgement when considering the child’s choice regarding custody. Generally, the older a child is, the more the court will give weight to that child’s preferences.

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